Lab Grown Alexandrite: What You Need to Know

Lab Grown Alexandrite: What You Need to Know

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Today, the gemstone market is witnessing a revolution with the introduction of lab grown gemstones, and alexandrite is no exception. This article will shine a light on lab grown alexandrite, revealing its properties, benefits, creation process, and pricing information.

Alexandrite, a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl, has a captivating property – it changes color in different lighting conditions. Natural alexandrite is a gemstone of beauty and rarity, but it also comes with a hefty price tag. Thankfully, there is an alternative for the budget-conscious: lab grown alexandrite.

The synthetic alexandrite properties mimic those of natural alexandrite but are engineered under controlled laboratory conditions. Like their natural counterparts, lab grown alexandrites exhibit an enthralling color change – blue-green in daylight to purplish-red under incandescent light. This characteristic, combined with the affordability of lab grown alexandrites, makes them an appealing choice for jewelry lovers worldwide.

There are numerous benefits of lab grown alexandrite. First and foremost, they are significantly more affordable than their natural counterparts, making these enchanting color-changing stones more accessible. Second, the production of lab created alexandrite doesn't contribute to the environmental damage associated with traditional gem mining. Lastly, lab grown alexandrite offers consistency. Each stone is created under controlled conditions, which ensures uniform color and quality.

A comparison between lab created alexandrite and natural alexandrite often comes down to personal preference. While natural alexandrite carries a unique charm imbued by nature and time, lab grown alexandrite offers an attractive blend of aesthetic appeal, affordability, and environmental friendliness.

Finally, we come to the matter of lab grown alexandrite prices. Given that these gemstones are manufactured in a laboratory rather than mined from the earth, the cost is significantly less. Prices vary depending on size, cut, clarity, and vendor, but you can generally expect to pay anywhere from $50 to $200 per carat for high-quality lab grown alexandrite. In comparison, a similar sized natural alexandrite can easily command prices upward of $10,000 per carat!

Lab grown alexandrite offers a fascinating blend of visual appeal, affordability, and ethical sourcing. These synthetic alexandrite properties make them an attractive choice for those who love the color-changing magic of alexandrite but are unwilling or unable to pay the premium price for natural stones. The advent of lab grown gemstones, including alexandrite, is a testament to the advancements in science and technology and their potential to transform traditional industries in a sustainable manner. Whether you are a jewelry enthusiast, an aspiring gem collector, or simply someone looking for a unique gift, lab grown alexandrite deserves your consideration.

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